Thursday, June 3, 2010

Life coming full circle

I was reminded today just how fast life comes full circle. The picture above is of my time at Oak Hill Day camp about 8 years ago. It feels like yesterday I was running the pool with some of my best friends in the whole world. Those long summer days were great times of getting darker than dirt, listening to the radio, and dreaming of what life had in store for us. The funny thing was my dreams never included training counselors to do what we did just 8 years down the road.

More than that those dreams defiantly did not include me sending my own child to participate in a the very camp that I worked at!

I was able to share some great team building activities to prepare this years staff for the summer they are about to encounter but more than that I was able to share with them that life is moving faster than we think.

"old people" you know like 40 years old's ;) used to always tell me things like you will never imagine just how fast life flies by and today I was the old guy sharing with youth and college kids that message.

my ah ha moment came with the windows down driving to the camp today...God really does have a perfect plan for us and when we are able to see that plan in action it is a blessing in itself. I no idea just 8 years ago that God would one day use my experiences to teach others. which leads me to wonder what am I doing today that God will one day use for His glory?

I am grateful to be in the center of His will.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The purpose of a Blog is???

I suppose the purpose of a Blog is to share what is going on in this brain of mine on a more consistent basis with a little more depth than what I can fit in a status update or a tweet.

This week is the the first week in June and I can feel the summer upon me already. With youth camps and mission trips I will officially spend more time away from my home than in it. I am excited to see what God has in store for me as well as my church and youth group. I am thankful for a wife that feels the call of God to be a support and a mother to our children so that I can pursue where He leads us.

Tomorrow night we will move into our new youth facility, I feel like God is really opening a door for us and I am anxious to see where He leads.

This week Ashtyn is spending sometime in KY with her cousins and mimi and papaw...just having 2 girls in the house almost seems lonely. Wow how life has changed for us...but I wouldn't want it any other way. Next week she starts Oak Hill Day camp...there is a post for another time but it is truly amazing the way life comes full circle.

My Final thought (on this extremely late night) is... life truly does go by too fast...It has forced me to am I doing enough with what God has blessed me with? Am I making a difference for Him?