Thursday, August 12, 2010

I don't deserve a blog

I have not posted since June it has been a crazy time in the Underwood house. Ashtyn Just turned 7 last week and she started the second grade today. We had a horse themed party for her at her favorite summer camp OHDC. Her cake was about the size of a wedding cake, mom and dad went a little overboard as always, but there is nothing like spoiling your kids. We had to make it good b/c Ashtyn had informed us it was her "golden birthday" b/c she turned 7 on the 7th and that only happens once!

Avery moved into the "big girl class" at First Steps today too. All my girls are growing up so stinkin fast. Avery and Ashtyn woke up this AM and were pretending to be in a tent under the sheets. This sleeping in the same bed thing is just too funny. Avery is full of words these days and repeating everything we say!

Last night at church we had a dodgeball tournament at the church it was great lights fog and watching a 6th grade girl knock out high school boys was a blast. We had about 80 people show up and over half were teenagers. God is really going to do some cool things this year at Brentwood Student ministries.

Well with school back in the girls are not the only ones that have to get up early so I better call it a night!

I will get better at this...I think